The NCDXCC is an ARRL Affiliated Amateur Radio Club. The Club is made up of active DXers and Contesters who are all amateur radio operators that mostly live in the NC area but our membership spans the globe. We usually meet in a restaurant for the evening meal where everyone has a chance to chat and mingle. After dinner, most meetings have some kind of amateur radio presentation by the members or guests. To join in on the Fun come to a meeting and meet the group. Check out the "meeting & locations" page for the times and dates. We normally meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. If you are, or want to be active on the HF bands and love to DX and Contest, then the NCDXCC is for you. We have a Yahoo Groups email reflector so we can all share ideas and stay in touch between meetings. Use the "Contact Us" form to start the ball rolling, we will get back with you fast. Thanks and please come and join us for a meeting. Bring your spouse, a ham friend, all are welcome.

Best 73
Dave Anderson, K4SV




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